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Нуди работа / .NET Developer

11/20/24 назад
Vivacom Bulgaria


  • Бугарија
  • Софија
.NET Developer
If you want to work on:

Software development of monolith and microservices applications in rapidly changing and evolving Telco world;
Projects of different scales and business focus;
Initiatives for other members of our international group;
Implementing of new technologies and delivery methods;
Daily basis from where you prefer - home or corporate office environment.
Join our Vivacom IT development team

Vivacom, a member of United Group, is a leader in providing high-tech telecommunication services. Our large IT department delivers cutting edge software solutions to support Vivacom’s business.

We are currently undertaking a modernization of our IT architecture and applications for both BSS and OSS. For this task we are looking for .NET Developer who will help us develop and integrate the necessary functionalities of critical IT systems, as well as to ensure that those systems are operating without incidents in a large enterprise environment.

Show us you have:

  • Bachelor or Master degree in computer systems, mathemathics, telecommumicatios or similar;
  • At least 1 year of professional experience in .NET programming;
  • Good knowledge in ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework Core, ADO.NET, LINQ, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API, OOP, C#;
  • At least basic expertise in JavaScript, React, JQuery, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap;
  • Expertise in MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL;
  • Expertise in Microservices concepts;
  • Knowledge of Data Structures, Algorithms, JSON, XML, AJAX, REST, SOAP, OpenAPI Specification, Unit Testing, Source Control Systems;
  • Basic knowledge of message brokers;

Bonus points if you also have:

  • Fluency in written and spoken English;
  • Experience in Agile environment.

Be part of Vivacom and you will get

Hybrid and flexible working model:

  • Opportunity to work from office, remote or hybrid;
  • Flexible working hours;
  • Short Friday;
  • 23 paid annual vacation;
  • 1 day off for your Birthday.

Career development and trainings:

  • A defined career path and professional growth in a company, part of an international group;
  • Participation in development and retention programs;
  • Professional trainings for specific technical knowledges and skills;
  • Trainings for soft skills development;
  • Unlimited access to an e-Learning platform with various content and topics;
  • Reimbursement of expenses for English.


  • Attractive remuneration package;
  • Annual bonus scheme (depending on individual performance);
  • Food vouchers;
  • Unlimited bonuses for participation in “Refer a friend” program.

Free time and Entertainment:

  • Attractive discounts in over 100 of our partners across the country – hotels, shops, restaurants, auto services and many more.

Employee discounts for company products and services:

  • A budget of BGN 420 for the purchase of a business device;
  • Sim card with unlimited minutes with Vivacom, freе data and free minutes within the other operators;
  • Top staff offers for all services in the Vivacom portfolio.

Work atmosphere and knowledge transfer:

  • A mentor to help you get on quickly;
  • A great working environment and supportive team that allows you to grow;
  • Working on international projects and knowledge transfer with the other members of UG group;
  • Mini Football.


  • Additional health insurance package – luxury package;
  • Sport cards co-financed by the company;
  • Office Massage;
  • Vivacom sport teams: football, tennis, volleyball, athletics etc.;
  • Preventive medical examinations/ check;
  • Accident insurance;
  • Psychological counseling.

How to apply

Interested candidates please press the button „Кандидатствай" to send a CV for the position not later than 12th of December, 2024.

Only short-listed candidates will be invited for an interview.

The provision of personal data enclosed in the application documents is voluntary and will be used solely for the purposes of evaluating your job application. Vivacom EAD shall not disclose personal data to third parties unless such disclosure is required under the law.
  • Високо
  • Дипломиран инженер
  • Инженер-магистер
  • Инженер за телекомуникации
  • ИТ специјалист
  • Далечински
  • Полно работно време
  • Со работно место
  • Флексибилно работно време


E-mail: pr@Vivacom.bg

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