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Нуди работа / Data Base Expert

12/17/24 назад
Cetin Bulgaria


  • Бугарија
  • Софија
Data Base Expert
CETIN Bulgaria delivers high-quality telecommunications infrastructure services in Bulgaria, ensuring reliable connectivity with a commitment to excellence We provide an enjoyable customer journey and great performance by pushing sustainable technological development and anticipating customers' demands, based on our cutting-edge communications infrastructure, highly skilled team of more than 295 professionals, and our customer-driven strategy.

CETIN Bulgaria is a member of CETIN International - a leading wholesale provider of active and passive telecommunications infrastructure services in Central and Eastern Europe.

Join us to be part of a team shaping the future of telecommunication!

Role Overview:

The Database expert is administrating Oracle based mainly as well as database types. Being part of the IT infrastructure team, you would be also responsible for providing expert support for IT requests and incidents, workflow etc.

Your main responsibilities would be:

  • Hand-on Oracle (mostly but not only) based large IT infrastructure - Installing, configuring and maintaining database infrastructure;
  • Responsible for Proactive Management, Backup and Recovery Oracle solutions;
  • Technical advice on specific systems issues regarding management and administration of Oracle Databases and related applications;
  • Participate in cross-teams projects;
  • Hold responsibility for the overall functionality and 24/7 – 365 availability of the company’s database environment.

What we would expect from you:

  • University degree in Engineering, IT or relevant area;
  • Relevant experience in installing, configuring and maintaining Oracle database infrastructure (knowledge of other database technologies is considered as advantage);
  • Works well under pressure with tight timeframes;
  • Fluent  in English;
  • Integrity and reliability.

Our offer:

  • Working opportunity in a collaborative team;
  • Positive workplace culture where you would receive all the support you need from your peers and managers in order to achieve your personal and team goals;
  • Annual bonus based on your personal performance;
  • Preferential prices for mobile devices and accessories;
  • Unlimited mobile services and mobile internet;
  • Flexible working hours;
  • Monthly food and gift vouchers;
  • Transportation allowance;
  • Additional health insurance;
  • Up to 25 days annual paid leave.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. All applications will be treated in strict confidentiality and in compliance with applicable law regarding personal data protections.
  • Високо
  • Дипломиран инженер
  • Инженер-магистер
  • -
  • Полно работно време
  • Со работно место
  • Флексибилно работно време


E-mail: info@cetinbg.bg

Види ги сите


  • Индустриски роботи ДООЕЛ

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  • Унисист Инженеринг ДООЕЛ

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  • Грејт Мастер ДООЕЛ/GreMa 3D

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