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Нуди работа / Quality Assurance Specialist

12/18/24 назад
Hitachi Energy Bulgaria


  • Бугарија
  • Севлиево
Quality Assurance Specialist
At Hitachi Energy our purpose is advancing a sustainable​ energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals and factories.  Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning  and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation.  

Your responsibilities:

  • Local Quality Management System improvement;
  • Internal Quality Management System audits: audit planning, conduction and reporting;
  • External Quality Management System audits: preparation, organization and lead;
  • Preparation and leading role in Global Quality Audits: Risk-assessment, Global Quality Self-assessment and Audits;
  • Internal audits (process audits): Program development; training of internal auditors and maintaining a list with auditors with skill matrix; follow-up of performance;
  • Non-conformities management and follow-up with process owners;
  • Documents control: review and improvement of all processes in ADONIS together with process owners; transfer of all QMS documents in xECM; maintain up-to-date documentation;
  • Raising the quality awareness in the company: induction quality training development; quality survey development for different layers in the company, analyzing the results and implementing an improvement plan; 
  • Lead the local teams in the application of an operational approach and system of process management that is continually evaluated for effectiveness;
  • Living core values of safety and integrity, which means taking responsibility for your own actions while caring for your colleagues, and the business.

Your background:

  • Bachelor’s degree;
  • Preferably 2 years of experience in similar position;
  • In-depth knowledge of ISO standards;
  • Strong background and experience with audit methodologies and techniques;
  • Excellent written and verbal communication in English;
  • Very good knowledge of MS Office;
  • Strong communication and organizing skills;
  • Should be eager to learn, flexible, open-minded, team-work oriented and pro-active.

Social Benefits:

  • 13th salary;
  • Monthly food vouchers;
  • Supplementary health insurance;
  • Organized transport;
  • Additional bonuses.

More about us

Hitachi Energy is a global technology leader that is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We serve customers in the utility, industry and infrastructure sectors with innovative solutions and services across the value chain. Together with customers and partners, we pioneer technologies and enable the digital transformation required to accelerate the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future. We are advancing the world’s energy system to become more sustainable, flexible and secure whilst balancing social, environmental and economic value. Hitachi Energy has a proven track record and unparalleled installed base in more than 140 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, we employ around 38,000 people in 90 countries and generate business volumes of approximately $10 billion USD.
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