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Нуди работа / Project Manager

09/27/24 назад
AQ Electric


  • Бугариjа
  • Радомир
Project Manager
AQ ELECTRIC JSC is a subsidiary of AQ GROUP AB /SWEDEN/, a global manufacturer of components and systems for industrial customers with high demands. The experience and knowledge gained from working at AQ GROUP AB, gave us the confidence to design and produce electric cabinets and components, to assemble products and offer cost effective solutions for demanding industrial customers. In our world, quality, efficiency and accuracy go hand in hand.
In connection with the increase of the projects by our key customers, we are seeking for highly qualified Project Manager, who will contribute to the success our company.


  • Clarify project objectives with customers;
  • Plan, coordinate and track project realization from specification (RFQ) to mass production;
  • Identify risks related to projects;
  • Define project tasks and resource requirements;
  • Lead the planning and implementation of project;
  • Enforce compliance adherence to the contract scope on budget and on schedule;
  • Communicate with the customer as main point of contact regarding technical requirements and schedule;
  • Work closely with the engineering staff tracking weekly planned work and report progress;
  • Constantly monitor and report on progress of the project to all stakeholders;
  • Coordinates project activities;
  • Assesses project issues and identifies solutions to meet quality;
  • Manages all processes through ERP.


  • Master's Degree in Engineering;
  • 2 years of experience in project management;
  • Very good communication skills;
  • Processes - and results-oriented;
  • Strong project management skills;
  • Strong skills to lead and guide the people, a good motivator;
  • High computer skills and high planning skills;
  • Excellent English - verbal and written.


  • 25 days holiday;
  • Incentive salary;
  • Working hours: 07.30am-4.10pm Monday to Friday;
  • Fantastic working environment. Friendly team and excellent management;
  • Additional health insurance. Life insurance. Vocational training. Food vouchers;
  • Fuel costs are borne by the company.
  • Инженер-магистер
  • -
  • Полно работно време
  • Со работно место


E-mail: careers.aqelectric@aqgroup.com

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