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Нуди работа / Technical Writer & Documentation Specialist

12/04/24 назад
ENABL Bulgaria


  • Бугарија
  • Софија
Technical Writer & Documentation Specialist
About Enabl

At ENABL , you will get the opportunity to contribute to a more sustainable future. You will be part of a global company providing consulting and equipment solutions for onshore and offshore wind turbines.

We are driven by high professionalism. We have a strong unity and an open and honest tone, where we help each other to succeed. As a person, you can take responsibility, and with your experience, you can ensure that the project runs successfully, right from the kick-off phase to the result.

The role

As a Technical Writer, you will collaborate closely with the CAD and FEA departments to develop and maintain comprehensive project documentation. Your role will involve creating clear, user-friendly content and product documentation aimed at enhancing product clarity and usability. The focus will be on mechanical design in the wind turbine industry. To succeed in this role, you will need strong attention to detail, the ability to prioritize tasks, and the capability to manage multiple projects in a fast-paced, changing environment.

Your responsibilities 

  • Create, develop, and launch a broad range of technical documentation such as: User manuals, Maintenance manuals, Lifting instructions, Transport instructions, Storage instructions, Work instructions, Service instructions, Checklists, Storyboards;
  • Edit prepared materials to ensure acceptable language, format, and grammar;
  • Collect and organizes data, charts, diagrams and illustrations;
  • Apply concepts for technical writing based on engineering drawings, technical information from engineering documentation, consultations with engineers and subject matter experts.

About you 

  • Experience with preparing technical documentation;
  • Excellent writing skills to be able to explain technical information and processes clearly;
  • Proven ability to quickly learn and understand complex topics;
  • Excellent communication skills in English – written and verbal (B2-C1);
  • Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint;
  • Ability to communicate with different groups of stakeholders.

It would be considered as an asset if you have:

  • Previous experience as a technical writer;
  • Strong experience owning an end-to-end documentation creation process;
  • Technical degree;
  • Knowledge within design and manufacturing processes;
  • Advanced knowledge of Photoshop;
  • Any CAD software;
  • Any experience with Product Lifecycle Management system (PLM).

We offer:

An interesting and challenging job with immense opportunities for personal growth, very good working conditions as well as flexible working hours with home office opportunities, additional benefits, and a great office location in the heart of Sofia with easy access to public transport;
If this opportunity sounds appealing to you, apply now! 

ENABL is an Equal Opportunities Employer. The Company is committed to equal employment opportunities regardless of age, sexual orientation, gender, pregnancy, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, disability, medical history, skin colour, marital status, genetic information or parental status.

We base all our employment decisions on merit, job requirements and business needs.

More about us

ENABL is a trustworthy, sustainable partner within the wind industry. Our aim is to contribute to a brighter future by ENABLing the green transition worldwide. We do so by increasing efficiency and productivity for world-leading renewable companies by supplying highly specialized engineering services and turnkey solutions. Founded in Denmark, we build our business on our core values: quality, responsibility, and alliances. ENABL is your global partner for engineering solutions across the entire life cycle of onshore and offshore wind turbines. With +22 years of specialist engineering know-how, we are able to deliver what the wind energy industry demands. Our unique offering includes Engineering services; Production, Test and Site Equipment for wind turbine components and Global Service. We specialize in processes and design enabling the right solutions for our customers. Headquartered in Denmark, ENABL also has locations in China, Taiwan, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Portugal, Hungary, India, the United Kingdom, and the United States. We employ over 730 skilled engineers, technical experts, specialists, and administrative staff, and we are part of Eltronic Group. We aim to reduce complexity for our customers, answer their demands, and enable their production worldwide – wherever wind is.
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E-mail: lebu@enabl.dk

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