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Нуди работа / ESG Specialist

11/26/24 назад
Cetin Bulgaria


  • Бугарија
  • Софија
ESG Specialist
CETIN Bulgaria delivers high-quality telecommunications infrastructure services in Bulgaria, ensuring reliable connectivity with a commitment to excellence We provide an enjoyable customer journey and great performance by pushing sustainable technological development and anticipating customers' demands, based on our cutting-edge communications infrastructure, highly skilled team of more than 280 professionals, and our customer-driven strategy.

CETIN Bulgaria is a member of CETIN International - a leading wholesale provider of active and passive telecommunications infrastructure services in Central and Eastern Europe.

Join us to be part of a team shaping the future of telecommunications!


As the ESG  Specialist  for CETIN Bulgaria and CETIN Serbia, you will drive and expand CETIN’s Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) agenda. This role is pivotal to embedding sustainability into our operations, aligning with our commitment to reduce environmental impact, enhance social responsibility, and uphold governance best practices. Your work will be integral to CETIN's efforts in shaping the future of sustainable telecommunications infrastructure in the region.


  • Coordinate and maintain sustainability data collection systems, monitoring environmental, social, and governance metrics across operations.
  • Assess data and contribute to the development of improvement action plans based on findings.
  • Shape and support execution of CETIN’s ESG strategy, working closely with the regional ESG organization.
  • Contribute to sustainability program initiatives, coordinating data gathering, and supporting program logistics.
  • Coordinate compliance reporting under CSRD and ESRS, including GHG Inventory, Double Materiality Assessment, EU Taxonomy, and Policy Gap Assessment.
  • Manage local ESG reporting obligations, ensuring timely and accurate submissions in line with regulatory standards.
  • Support the development and improvement of sustainability policies and procedures to enhance CETIN’s ESG ratings.
  • Collaborate with team members to integrate ESG criteria into operational procedures and promote sustainable practices.
  • Maintain contact with the Group-level ESG manager and team, ensuring the timely fulfillment of data requests and updates on sustainability initiatives.
  • Work with cross-functional departments to assist in setting and monitoring short- and long-term sustainability goals and translating these goals into KPIs.
  • Coordinate maintaintance of ESG microsite, ensuring it reflects the latest reporting obligations and industry standards.
  • Regularly update content of ESG microsite to ensure transparency and accessibility of CETIN’s ESG activities.
  • Assist in educational initiatives to embed sustainability practices across the organization.
  • Engage with external stakeholders to stay informed on regulatory changes, ensuring compliance and proactive action.
  • Collaborate with internal teams to ensure the implementation of ESG targets.
  • Support in identifying and evaluating partnership opportunities with national and global organizations that align with CETIN’s sustainability goals.
  • Work with the Sourcing department to promote sustainable supply chain practices, coordinating with external organizations and vendors as needed.
  • Prepare periodic reports on sustainability activities and assist in preparing materials as directed by the Line Manager.
  • Carry out additional tasks aligned with ESG objectives as assigned by the Line Manager.


  • Degree in Economics, Business Administration, Political Sciences, European Studies, Ecology or other relevant degree.
  • Additional qualifications in the filed of ESG and Sustainability are treated as an advantage
  • Minimum 2 years on similar position in a corporate environment


  • Strong communication and presentation skills;
  • Analytical mindset with proactive and critical thinking;
  • Excellent interpersonal skills, Flexible and loyal team-player;
  • Work well under pressure with tight timeframes;
  • Integrity and reliability;
  • Excellent English (both written and verbal);
  • Work with text and data processing tools, especially Microsoft 365 and Office tools;
  • Experience in environmental data management, analysis, and reporting;
  • Knowledge in CSRS and ESRS;
  • General knowledge on telecommunications operations and infrastructure.


  • Challenging position in a collaborative and supportive team;
  • Competitive terms and conditions;
  • Open working space, flexible working hours and home-office;
  • Internal and online training possibilities;
  • Up to 5 days Additional paid leave.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. All applications will be treated in strict confidentiality and in compliance with applicable law regarding personal data protections.
  • Високо
  • Дипломиран економист
  • Економист-магистер
  • -
  • Полно работно време
  • Со работно место


E-mail: info@cetinbg.bg

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