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Нуди работа / Embedded Software Engineer

12/05/24 назад
UniPOS Ltd.


  • Бугарија
  • Софија
Embedded Software Engineer
UniPOS is a part of Consilium Safety Group which is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of products and safety systems for fire and gas detection, in the marine, energy, rolling stock and construction sectors. With a presence in 55 countries, we offer a dynamic and international working environment where you will work closely with a team that works to achieve the overall vision of the business.

Since the company was founded, the company’s main goal has been the same – to save lives. We strive to be a Great place to grow, and we are driven forward by our core values ’I take responsibility – I take initiative,’ ’We deliver’ and ’One global team.’ Our corporate culture is characterized by warm and family atmosphere where the individual can be in focus. If this sounds like your next place to grow – connect with us and apply today for position:

Embedded Software Engineer

Location: Sofia

The Role:

The Embedded Software Engineer will be responsible for the design and development of the firmware for fire alarm devices and panels, gas sensing systems and life-saving products. Work in an international environment and be part of a workplace where your day to day will involve working as a team on world-class products.

Your key responsibilities include:
• Designing firmware solutions based on project requirements;
• Coding using C and C++ language;
• Good understanding of the electronics design;
• Contributing to firmware architecture and development, engineering tests and product validation.

Your profile:
• Degree in Electronics, Computer science or equivalent;
• Several years of work experience as a Software Engineer;
• Good knowledge in embedded systems and product development for electronics systems
• Excellent skills in C++ and Linux;
• Experience in Agile working;
• Very good communication skills in English are a requirement since you will be part of a multinational team;
• Genuine interest in technology, enjoy working in an innovative SAFe Agile team with variation in your tasks.

We offer:
• Excellent working conditions;
• Opportunity to work in a supportive and inspiring team in a profitable and purpose driven company;
• Opportunities to acquire new knowledge and professional development;
• Interesting and various contacts with professionals at the highest level;
• Attractive and fair remuneration, based on the real contribution to the projects.

In order to apply, please, send your CV. The information you provide is confidential and is under the protection of GDPR. The company will be using it for recruitment purposes only. Documents will be treated in strict confidence. Only selected candidates will be invited for an interview.
  • Високо
  • Дипломиран инженер
  • Инженер-магистер
  • Инженер за електроника
  • ИТ специјалист
  • Полно работно време
  • Со работно место


E-mail: office_pleven@unipos-bg.net

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