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Нуди работа / Production Process Engineer

12/09/24 назад
Festo Production


  • Бугарија
  • Софија
Production Process Engineer
Festo is a worldwide leader in automation technology headquartered in Germany. We are always coming up with creative process solutions that bring product ideas to life. As an employer, we do everything in our power to ensure that visionary ideas are transformed into practice. What we do expect from you? Think outside of the box. Try new things. Bring your own idea. Take advantage of the creative freedom, the wide variety of development opportunities and the access to the best practice. In short: Face new challenges. As an Engineer and part of the production team in the passionate working world of Festo.  

With reference to our growing Operation Unit "Electronics" currently we are looking for:

Production Process Engineer

Your Job:

  • Responsible for creating a comprehensive production technology that ensures high product quality. Ensures efficient use of resources.
  • Prepares and updates technological documents for manufactured products.
  • Plans the implementation of new products and technologies, creates tasks for the production of non-standard equipment.
  • Calculates and determines the necessary technological and production times depending on the production process.
  • Optimizes production processes in serial production.
  • Improves internal standards and enhances internal industrial engineering techniques.
  • Conducts training for workers and operators on new products and technological changes.

Technical Competencies and Requirements:

  • Master’s or Bachelor’s degree in Engineering.
  • Excellent written and spoken Bulgarian and English, knowledge in German language will be considered as advantage.
  • Familiarity with ERP systems (SAP) is an asset.
  • Understanding of project drawings, technical documentation, and product requirements.
  • Professional Competencies and Requirements:
  • Proven expertise and practical experience in Production Engineering or Process Development at least 2 years.
  • Experience in production/manufacturing environment will be considered as a serious advantage.

Personal Competencies and Requirements:

  • Capable of making fast decisions and taking the responsibility for the results in dynamic and changing environment;
  • Oriented towards goals achieving and results;
  • Focused on the added value for the internal and/or external clients;
  • Team player, able to work in a multicultural working environment;
  • Thinking out of the box, creativity and continuous improvement attitude;
  • Flexible, adaptable, open to meet the change and acquire new knowledge and skills.

The Company Оffers:

  • Motivating compensation and social benefits package
  • Opportunity to work on a variety of projects in the field of industrial automation.
  • Professional development and learning opportunities in high technology and production environment.

In case your professional qualification corresponds to the above requirements, and you wish to join our growing team, please send us your CV and a cover letter.

Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted. Your documents and personal data will be treated as confidential and will be protected according to Bulgarian Data Protection Legislation and the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR).
  • Дипломиран инженер
  • Инженер-магистер
  • -
  • Полно работно време


E-mail: careersbgproduction@festo.com

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