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Нуди работа / AP/AR Specialist with French

12/11/24 назад
Ewellix Bulgaria


  • Бугарија
  • Софија
AP/AR Specialist with French
Ewellix is a global innovator and manufacturer of linear motion and actuation solutions used in assembly automation, medical applications, and mobile machinery. Ewellix has 16 sales units and 6 factories. External net sales are approximately 250 EUR million and we employ around 1250 people worldwile. Ewellix is headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden, and is owned by the Schaeffler Group.

We are currently looking for: AP/AR specialist with French

What will you do:
• Capture review and verify outgoing or incoming invoices and check requests;
• Flag and clarify any unusual or questionable invoice items or prices;
• Verify post and match invoices;
• Analyze incoming or outgoing reminders for payments;
• Book incoming payments;
• Reconcile accounts payable and accounts receivable transactions and bank accounts;
• Monitor accounts to ensure outgoing and incoming payments are up to date;
• Research and resolve invoice discrepancies and issues correspond with suppliers or customers and respond to inquiries;
• Maintain accurate historical records.

Who you are:
To be successful in this role you need the following qualifications:

• Experience: 1-3 years accounts payable or general accounting experience would be considered as an advantage;
• Fluent English and French language;
• Knowledge of accounts payable and accounts receivables;
• Knowledge of general accounting procedures;
• Good communication skills, able to communicate across all levels, internally and externally;
• Teamwork and professional integrity.

What you will like about working with us:
We offer:

  • An attractive remuneration package;
  • A challenging and multifaceted position within an international work environment;
  • Personal development opportunities of a multinational group;
  • Hybrid way of working;

Social benefits such as:
  • Food and transport allowance;
  • Birthday/Christmas and Easter Bonus;
  • Sport card, referral bonus;
  • Loyalty award;
  • Relocation package.

Additional information
The position reports to the Finance Manager.

If you are interested, please send your application with an extended CV in English to:
Human Resources department
Ewellix Bulgaria
Phone +359 883 253 705
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  • Со работно место


Phone +359 883 253 705

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