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Нуди работа / Supply Chain Planner

11/29/24 назад
Ewellix Bulgaria


  • Бугарија
  • Софија
Supply Chain Planner
Ewellix is a global innovator and manufacturer of linear motion and actuation solutions used in industrial automation, automotive assembly, medical applications and mobile machinery. Formerly part of SKF Group, the Ewellix Group consists of 16 sales units and eight factories. External net sales are approximately 2.3 SEK billion and we employ around 1200 people. Ewellix is headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden and is owned by Schaeffler Group.  

We are currently looking for Supply Chain Planner

Ewellix opened its newest and most modern manufacturing facility in Sofia, Bulgaria in 2020. In Sofia our main products are telescopic pillars and actuators for industries within medical, automation and material handling. With 200 employees, we are thrilled to develop an outstanding team of professionals in Bulgaria to join our multinational family.

What you will do
You will contribute to the company’s overall goals and strategy by delivering on following main responsibilities:

• Processing of purchase orders (delivery date confirmation, deadline monitoring);
• Production planning (capacity and material);
• Planning and procurement of purchasing components;
• Proceeding of order confirmations and invoices;
• Continuous optimization in the area of responsibility;
• Following not confirmed, delayed and future deliveries.

Who you are
To be successful in this role you need the following qualification:

• University degree in Economics, Logistics, Industrial engineering;
• Experience as operational buyer in similar production;
• Fluent language skills in English;
• Expertise in planning, production, procurement;
• Knowledge in Microsoft Outlook/Microsoft Excel/Microsoft Word;
• Experience with ERP system;
• Personal skills: Problem solving and decision making analytical, proactive, strong negotiating skills, team player with good communication skills.

What we offer:

We offer a challenging and multifaceted position within an international work environment as well as the personal development opportunities of a multinational group.

Additional information

The position reports to Supply Chain manager in Ewellix Bulgaria, Sofia

If you are interested, please send your application with extended CV in English.
  • Високо
  • Дипломиран економист
  • Дипломиран инженер
  • Економист-магистер
  • Инженер-магистер
  • Економист
  • Индустриски инженер
  • Полно работно време
  • Со работно место



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  • Би Ту Ен ДООЕЛ

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  • Ники ДООЕЛ

    Ники ДООЕЛ е докажан производител на индустриска, комерцијална и дизајн опрема и рекламни полици. Компанијата нуди креативни просторни решенија, индивидуален стил и напредни технологии за прецизно извршување на секој детаљ во различни објекти, вклучувајќи производствени претпријатија, хотели и ресторани.

  • Грундфос Србија

    Грунфос Бугарија ДООЕЛ е подружница на данската компанија Грунфос - водечки производител на пумпи во светот. Главните производи кои компанијата ги произведува се циркулациони пумпи за системи за греење и климатизација, како и центрифугални пумпи за индустријата, водоснабдување, отпадни води и дозирање.

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