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Понуда посла / Salesman Used Trucks

11/25/24 назад
Turbotrucks Bulgaria

Кандидуј се

  • Бугарска
  • Софија
Salesman Used Trucks

  • Represent, promote and sale the products and services of the company / Identify sales. opportunities and promote the full range of products and services;
  • Explain features and demonstrate operation of vehicle;
  • Suggest optional equipment for customers to purchase;
  • Present purchase/lease options to customer;
  • Complete paperwork accompanying vehicle sale;
  • Research availability of models and optional equipment;
  • Address customer questions and concerns;
  • Follow up with customer before and after their sales process;
  • Build strong rapport with customers and co-workers;
  • Listen to the customers to determine their needs;
  • Learn to overcome objections, close sales, and perform all other steps of the sales process in accordance with company standards;
  • Understand the terminology of the automobile business and keep abreast of technological. changes in the product;
  • Other duties as assigned.

Main requirements:

  • Education: Bachelor’s Degree / Master’s Degree;
  • Fluency in English, written and oral, is a must;
  • Fluency in other language(s) is a bonus;
  • Technical education is a bonus;
  • Driving license D+E is an advantage;
  • Computer literacy is a must;
  • Team player to work in a multinational company;
  • Outgoing, persuasive, result-oriented personality;
  • Organized and loyal professional;
  • Demonstrated sales success and knowledge of sales concept, methods and techniques;
  • Conduct negotiations and close deals;
  • Ability to influence others and build good relationships.


  • Opportunity to work for an international company;
  • Opportunity for professional development;
  • Excellent working environment;
  • Attractive social package;
  • Rewards according to sale results.

All applications will be treated strictly confidential. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
  • Високо образовање
  • -
  • Пуно радно време
  • Са радним местом

Кандидуј се

E-mail: bulgaria@th-group.eu

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  • Т и Д Инжењеринг ДОО

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