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Понуда посла / Test Engineer (Product Tester Development)

10/31/24 назад
Festo Production

Кандидуј се

  • Бугарска
  • Софија
Test Engineer (Product Tester Development)
Festo is a worldwide leader in automation technology headquartered in Germany. We are always coming up with creative process solutions that bring product ideas to life. As an employer, we do everything in our power to ensure that visionary ideas are transformed into practice. What we do expect from you? Think outside of the box. Try new things. Bring your own idea. Take advantage of the creative freedom, the wide variety of development opportunities and the access to the best practice. In short: Face new challenges. As an Engineer and part of the production team in the passionate working world of Festo.             

With reference to our growing Engineering team currently we are looking for

Test Engineer (Product Tester Development)

Your job:

  • Development of hardware and software for the test equipment in the production in compliance with the internal procedures, product specifications and good practices;
  • Technological and methodological assurance of the design and real creation of non-standard and test equipment;
  • Creation and development of the concept, technical documentation and technological instructions, control and measurement plan for the equipment;
  • Participation in the process of reconstruction and improvement of production processes;
  • Participation in quality improvement processes. Active participation in lines transfers and assuring the smooth start of production process of transferred products;
  • Providing the necessary qualifications and training to workers in accordance with the requirements for working with the relevant technique;

Technical Competences and Requirements:

  • Master's or Bachelor's Degree in the field of Electronics will be considered as an advantage;
  • Good command of English language (at least level B2);
  • Excellent command of MS Office;
  • Knowledge in SAP will be considered as an advantage.

Professional Competences and Requirements:

  • Proven track of relevant experience on the same or similar position;
  • Professional experience in a similar industry will be considered as an advantage;
  • Proven track of practical experience with LabView;
  • Practical experience with CODESYS and Test Stand will be considered as an advantage;
  • Knowledge and professional experience in measurement tools.

Personal Competencies and Requirements:

  • Capable of making fast decisions and taking the responsibility for the results in dynamic and changing environment;
  • Oriented towards goals achieving and results;
  • Focused on the added value for the internal and/or external clients;
  • Team player, able to work in a multicultural working environment;
  • Thinking out of the box, creativity and continuous improvement attitude;
  • Flexible, adaptable, open to meet the change and acquire new knowledge and skills;

The Company offers:

  • Motivating compensation and social benefits package;
  • Professional development and learning opportunities in high technology and production environment;
  • Flexible working hours.

In case your professional qualification corresponds to the above requirements and you wish to join our growing team, please send your CV and a cover letter.

Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted. Your documents and personal data will be treated as confidential and will be protected according to Bulgarian Data Protection Legislation and the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR).
  • Дипломирани инжењер
  • Инжењер Магистар
  • Инжењер електронике
  • Пуно радно време
  • Са радним местом

Кандидуј се

E-mail: careersbgproduction@festo.com

Види све


  • ЕТ Мултиинжењеринг

    Мултиинжењеринг је бугарска инжењерска компанија која послује у области машинства. Специјализована је за изградњу и производњу транспортних трака, транспортера и комплетних транспортних система од челика и нерђајућег челика. Компанија има веома добро опремљене производне погоне у градовима Софија и Велико Трново.

  • Лазатек ДООД

    Лазатек ДОО је компанија са пословним активностима у области ремонта и модернизација CNC машина, примени технологија за прераду делова на CNC машинама, гаранцију и пост гаранцију, испоруку нових алата и опреме машина. Компанија има велико искуство и доказану традицију сервисирања. До сада је урадила и још увек обавља основни ремонт, модернизацију и одржавање стотине машина, како клијентима у Србији, тако и у иностранству.

  • Адара Инжењеринг ДОО

    Адара Инжењеринг ДОО је добро позната европска трговачка инжењеринг компанија са активношћу у области вакуум пумпи и системима, пумпама за воду и пумпних система, специјалних пумпи и опреми ниског и средњег напона. Компанија је званични заступник за територију Србије, немачке фирме BUSCH – европског лидера вакум пумпи и система.

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