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Понуда посла / Application Test Engineer

01/20/25 назад
Festo Production

Кандидуј се

  • Бугарска
  • Софија
Application Test Engineer
Festo is a worldwide leader in automation technology headquartered in Germany. We provide inspiration worldwide with our intelligent solutions for industrial automation. And we offer a high degree of flexibility to our employees. We offer you excellent prospects for turning your ideas into reality - because innovation requires freedom and security. We need you. Apply now and keep the world moving.      

Application Test Engineer

Your job:

  • Be part of a growing team that is shaping the future of industrial communication technology. With products and solutions, we inspire our customers in industrial automation technology and rely on the latest technologies and modern development methodologies;
  • Coordinating and conducting the qualification of valve terminals with fieldbus interface with automation system-compatible components;
  • The products you will be working on are used in a wide variety of industries and machines such as robots, packaging, assembly, testing, and process machines;
  • Taking part in workshops, trainings and know how exchange with the colleagues worldwide;
  • Working in an interdisciplinary, international, and agile product team, creating test specifications and communication analysis for automation systems (PLC controller, bus interface, input/output modules, intelligent valve terminals with different Industrial ethernet protocols) and test benches under consideration of international and internal Festo testing standards;
  • Providing testing support (design & development of test setups, strategies) during the development of intelligent valve terminals;
  • Analyzing the collected test results and prepare test protocol;
  • Doing a test support for customer solution topics, competitors, and complaint analysis;
  • Developing technical research and feasibility studies and new test solutions.

Technical Competencies and Requirements:

  • Master’s or Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, etc.;
  • Master’s or Bachelor’s degree in Electronics, Mechatronics, Computer Science, Automation etc.;
  • Excellent written and spoken English.

Professional Competencies and Requirements:

  • Knowledge in electronics measurement equipment, electrical measurements and communication monitoring and logging;
  • Preferably practical experience in remote IO systems and PLC programing (Siemens TIA, Beckhoff, Rockwell etc.);
  • Experience with fieldbus protocols – EtherCAT, PROFINET, EtherNet/IP – is considered as an advantage;
  • Previous experience in Functional Safety is an advantage.

Personal Competencies and Requirements:

  • Fast learner - capable of familiarizing himself with new topics;
  • Flexible, adaptable, open to meet the change;
  • Capable of making decisions and taking the responsibility for the results in dynamic and changing environment;
  • Team player, able to work in a multicultural working environment;
  • Focused on the added value for the internal and/or external clients;
  • Thinking out of the box, creativity and continuous improvement attitude;
  • Flexible, adaptable, open to meet the change and acquire new knowledge and skills.

You can expect the following with us:

  • Motivating compensation and social benefits package;
  • Opportunity to work on a variety of projects in the field of industrial automation, IIoT and robotics;
  • Professional development and learning opportunities in high technology and production environment.

In case your professional qualification corresponds to the above requirements and you wish to join our growing team, please send us your CV and a cover letter.

Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted. Your documents and personal data will be treated as confidential and will be protected according to Bulgarian Data Protection Legislation and the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR).
  • Високо образовање
  • Дипломирани инжењер
  • Инжењер Магистар
  • Инжењер електронике
  • Инжењер софтвера
  • Машински инжењер
  • Пуно радно време
  • Са радним местом

Кандидуј се

E-mail: careersbgproduction@festo.com

Види све


  • Кастива ДОО

    КАСТИВА ДОО је потврђеана бугарска инжењеринг компанија са активностима у области испоруке комплексних палета техничких средстава за аутоматизацију; сложени инжењерски пројеки: од пројектовања и израде разводне табле, развој апликација софтвера за имплементацију, обуку, пуштање у рад, одржавање из домена гаранције и без гаранције; интегрисаних струковнох решења за изградњу стандардизованих вакуум система у области енергетике, шећерне, дрвопрерађивачке и хемијске индустрије.

  • Шети Бугарска ДОО

    Шети Бугарска ДОО је компанија специјализована за производњу појединачних или комплексних металних производа. Она је доказани произвођач шарки и механизама за намештај и белу технику, која блиско сарађује са компанијама у индустрији електричних, машинских, намештаја и кућних апарата.

  • Steinzeug-Keramo

    Steinzeug-Keramo, подружница међународне конгломерата Wienerberger AG, је вишегодишњи произвођач керамике и инсталација за канализацију. Компанија има три производне базе, од којих су два у Немачкој - Фрехен и Бад Шмидерберг, један у Белгији - у Хаселт-у. Компанија запошљава више од 500 специјалиста.

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