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Понуда посла / Electrical Test Engineer

12/16/24 назад
AQ Magnit

Кандидуј се

  • Бугарска
  • Годеч
Electrical Test Engineer
AQ Magnit is a manufacturer of inductive components within the range of 1VA up to 3MVA, relays and other products for electro-technical Industry. Since 1997 we are part of the AQ Group AB Sweden which business concept is to develop, manufacture and assemble components and systems for demanding industrial customers who are world leading in their respective niches, such as power transmission, telecommunication, trains, food, trucks etc.  

The Group employs over 9000 employees in Europe, North America, South America and Asia, and each of them stands behind our company slogan We Are Reliable.

To deserve the best crew, we need to be honest, open, alert, possess courage, provide feedback and welcome oppositions. Our values provide practical support in our everyday work and help as in the right direction. It is also important for us, to have fun and to work in a safe and healthy way.

Currently, we are looking to attract a highly motivated and team-oriented professional to join us at the position of: Electrical Test Engineer.

Main responsibilities:
▪ Defining programs for type test of inductive components;
▪ Performing various electrical testing – type and routine, ensuring output levels and accuracy of quality processes;
▪ Report performance of newly produced components;
▪ To analyze requirements on products and applications in order to identify test cases and test scenarios;
▪ To analyze equipment and methods used in testing and inspection and recommend investments for operations improvement;
▪ To record test documentation such as test cases, scenarios, and create test data.

Skill set required:
▪ University degree in Electrical Engineering;
▪ Knowledge of European standards (ex. EN 60076, EN 61558) is an advantage;
▪ Communication, organizational and planning skills.

What can we offer in exchange:
▪ Experience in an international corporate structure;
▪ Opportunity to work on interesting projects;
▪ Motivating remuneration and additional performance based bonuses;
▪ Social benefits package: food vouchers, additional health insurance, refer a friend bonus, parental bonus;
▪ Transport coverage;
▪ Professional, positive and team-oriented working environment.

You are welcome to apply and join our team! 
Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
  • Дипломирани инжењер
  • Инжењер Магистар
  • Електротехничар
  • Пуно радно време
  • Са радним местом

Кандидуј се

E-mail: aqmagnit.info@aqgroup.com

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  • Унисист ДОО

    „Унисист“ ДОО обједињује 3 лабораторије - Нотификовано тело за оцењивање усаглашености мерних инструмената, Овлашћену лабораторију за верификацију мерних инструмената и Акредитовану лабораторију за калибрацију мерних инструмената. Једна од главних тежњи компаније је стално унапређење квалитета понуђених услуга, и функционално и метролошки.

  • БКК 95 ДОО

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  • Шети Бугарска ДОО

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