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Понуда посла / Quality Engineer(maternity cover)

11/18/24 назад
ABB Bulgaria

Кандидуј се

  • Бугарска
  • Петрич
Quality Engineer (maternity cover)
At ABB, we are dedicated to addressing global challenges. Our core values: care, courage, curiosity, and collaboration - combined with a focus on diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunities - are key drivers in our aim to empower everyone to create sustainable solutions. That's our story. Make it your story.

Your role and responsibilities:

In this role, you will have the opportunity to assist local unit in developing the necessary capabilities to effectively control products and systems. Each day, you will ensure compliance with internal, customer, and industry requirements within a cost-effective and safe working environment. You will also showcase your expertise by participating in the development and implementation of standards and test methods to ensure only compliant products, software, and services are released to the customer.

The work model for the role is onsite.

This role is contributing to the Electrification Smart Buildings division in branch Petrich.

You will be mainly accountable for:

  • Performing respective audits (UL; VDE; CCC, etc.), documentation management and calibration of the measurement equipment;
  • Supporting quality control needs and activities for supplier quality, production quality, testing and validation, and engineering, as applicable in the local organization;
  • Executing and assisting specific quality-related training, promoting a passion for quality and integrity in all actions, with a focus on result orientation;
  • Collecting, recording, and evaluating data to be interpreted according to the internal ABB specifications, customer norms, and applicable national and/or global standards while maintaining a high level of integrity;
  • You will join a dynamic, talented, high performing team, where you will be able to thrive.

Qualifications for the role: 

  • You have at least 2 years of experience in comparable position;
  • You are qualified in Problem solving, FMEA, Lean, Six Sigma methodology;
  • You are passionate about working in team environment and possess solution-focused approach;
  • Technical university degree in relevant field;
  • You are at ease communicating in English;
  • Knowledge of SAP or EPR systems will be considered as an advantage.

What's in it for you?

  • Learn from highly experienced, genuine, and caring colleagues – people who are committed to helping you achieve your personal and professional goals;
  • Help customers in driving efficiency and sustainability, making a strong impact;
  • Get motivated by continuous improvement in what we do and how we do it, bring your know-how.


  • Learning and development offering;
  • Flexible work practise;
  • Healthcare plan;
  • 13th salary;
  • Transportation allowance.

More about us

We value people from different backgrounds. Could this be your story?
  • Дипломирани инжењер
  • Инжењер Магистар
  • -
  • Пуно радно време
  • Са радним местом
  • Флексибилно радно време

Кандидуј се


Види све


  • Телетек Електроникс АД

    Телетек Електроникс АД, део Телетек Холдинг Групе, је једна од највећих произвођача сигнално-безбедносних система и противпожарне опреме на Балкану. Предузеће је основано 1991. године и од тада се успоставља као лидер на међународном тржишту. У овом тренутку, компанија запошљава више од 130 запослених у производном погону, а производ се извози у 75 земаља на 5 континената.

  • ЕТ Мултиинжењеринг

    Мултиинжењеринг је бугарска инжењерска компанија која послује у области машинства. Специјализована је за изградњу и производњу транспортних трака, транспортера и комплетних транспортних система од челика и нерђајућег челика. Компанија има веома добро опремљене производне погоне у градовима Софија и Велико Трново.

  • Грејт Мастер ДОО / GreMa 3D

    Грејт Мастер ДОО је инжењерско-производна компанија основана 2006. године и специјализована за производњу нестандардне опреме малих серија, иновативних производа, изградњу објеката и инсталација, пружање превентивног или планског одржавања, пројектовање и штампање 3D модела помоћу FDM/FFF и DLP/LCD технологија. Од 2014. године компанија је усвојила нови маркетиншки назив - GreMa 3, и проширила обим своје делатности увозом и прометом 3D решења и технологија водећих произвођача.

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