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Понуда посла / Process Engineer

09/30/24 назад
ЛЕМ Bulgaria ДОО

Кандидуј се

  • Бугарска
  • Софија
Process Engineer
LEM – Life Energy Motion

At LEM, we help our customers and society accelerate the transition to a sustainable future.

Our global team of 1,700 professionals which spans over 15 countries is dedicated to converting technology potential into powerful solutions, which enable the decarbonization of the world.

A leading company in electrical measurement, LEM engineers the best solutions for energy efficiency and electrical mobility, ensuring our customers, systems are optimized, reliable and safe.

LEM is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange since 1986, with the ticker symbol LEHN.

The future needs our ingenuity, we need your Spark.


Process Engineer


We are looking for a Process engineer who will be part of our industrial engineering department.

Key responsibilities:

  • Ensure that the product meets applicable specifications;
  • Responsible for the development and implementation of continuous improvement initiatives within production areas;
  • Prepare and maintain adequate and up-to-date validation plans during the development and/or transfer of products;
  • Support the development, modification, and implementation of manufacturing processes and tests;
  • Manage, plan, and organize the ramp-up production of new and/or current manufacturing processes based on the LEAN thinking;
  • Lead and ensure the transfer of new and/or current production lines. Transfer the knowledge to ensure a smooth start of regular manufacturing.

Skills and professional background:

  • Engineering degree;
  • Knowledge and experience in definition and control of manufacturing processes;
  • Knowledge in Run at Rate measurement, line balancing, line capacity calculation, line optimization;
  • Knowledge in creation of BOMs, Routing, Working Instructions; 
  • Knowledge in creation of FMEA, process mapping, control plan;
  • Experience with Six sigma methods (SPC, control charts);
  • Very good written and verbal communication in English;
  • Skilled in MS Office and Internet savvy;
  • Knowledge and previous working experience:
  •         -  Basic knowledge of project management principles; 
  •         -  LEAN;

Key personal skills:

  • Outstanding analytical and conceptual competences, high problem-solving competency, pragmatic;
  • Team worker with good communication skills;
  • Ability to generate & apply new ideas & solutions;
  • Willingness to travel.

What we offer: 

  • Opportunity to be an essential part of a dynamic, successful, and continuously growing international company;
  • International knowledge transfer opportunities in other LEM locations;
  • Friendly and open environment;
  • Competitive salary & Bonus system;
  • Hybrid working model;
  • Flexible working time;
  • Additional health insurance + Dental & Optical care, Hospital & Pregnancy care;
  • Multisport card;
  • Food vouchers & Transport Allowance;
  • Referral program;
  • Paid holiday days - 25 days;
  • Career growth and development – internal and external trainings;
  • Free unlimited access to LinkedIn Learning Platform.
  • Дипломирани инжењер
  • Инжењер Магистар
  • -
  • Пуно радно време
  • Са радним местом
  • Флексибилно радно време

Кандидуј се

E-mail: recruit-bg@lem.com

Види све


  • Шети Бугарска ДОО

    Шети Бугарска ДОО је компанија специјализована за производњу појединачних или комплексних металних производа. Она је доказани произвођач шарки и механизама за намештај и белу технику, која блиско сарађује са компанијама у индустрији електричних, машинских, намештаја и кућних апарата.

  • SAER Elettropompe S.p.A.

    SAER Elettropompe је водећи италијански произвођач и добављач површинских и потопљивих пумпи и мотора, са преко 70 година искуства и традиције на италијанском и међународном тржишту. Као доказани специјалиста у сектору водовода, SAER својим купцима и партнерима пружа комплетна иновативна решења, максималну флексибилност и ефикасност уз гаранцију квалитета „Made in Italy“.

  • Вени и Ко ДОО

    Основана 1992. године, компанија Вени и Ко је специјализована за пројектовање, производњу и реализацију опреме за складиштење и помоћних средстава, елиминисање или ублажавање физичких активности у складиштима и обављање утовара и истовара. Тренутно су реализовано над 4400 јединица машина за складиштење на српском тржишту и многим страним тржиштима.

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