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Понуда посла / Quality Engineer

11/25/24 назад
ABB Bulgaria

Кандидуј се

  • Бугарска
  • Пловдива
Quality Engineer
At ABB, we are dedicated to addressing global challenges. Our core values: care, courage, curiosity, and collaboration - combined with a focus on diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunities - are key drivers in our aim to empower everyone to create sustainable solutions. That's our story. Make it your story.  

Your role and responsibilities:

IIn this role, you will have the opportunity to assist local unit in developing the necessary capabilities to effectively predict, control and analyze failures of products and systems and improve them. Each day, you will ensure compliance with internal, customer, and industry requirements within a cost-effective and safe working environment. You will also showcase your expertise by participating in the development and implementation of standards and processes to ensure only compliant products, software, and services are released to the customer.

The work model for the role is: onsite

This role is contributing to the Quality team in Electrification Smart Power Business Area.

You will be mainly accountable for:

  • Developing and implementing control plans and processes to ensure products, systems, or software meet specified requirements and customer expectations in incoming, manufacturing, factory test labs, or final inspection quality, including internal testing routine and Factory Acceptance Testing (F.A.T.) as applicable;
  • Supporting quality control needs and activities for supplier quality, production quality, testing and validation, and engineering, as applicable in the local organization;
  • Executing and assisting specific quality-related training, promoting a passion for quality and integrity in all actions, with a focus on result orientation;
  • Collecting, recording, and evaluating data to be interpreted according to the internal ABB specifications, customer norms, and applicable national and/or global standards while maintaining a high level of integrity. You will join a dynamic and talented team, where you will be able to thrive.

Qualifications for the role:

  • Ability to demonstrate your experience in working with Practical Problem Solving tools, Process FMEA, Lean Six Sigma methodology and other quality tools;
  • You have experience in quality field;
  • Possess knowledge of SAP or other EPR systems;
  • A collaborative, solution-focused team approach with good communication skills;
  • You are at ease communicating in English (written and verbal);
  • Technical Education in relevant field.

What's in it for you?

  • Lead exciting projects that help customers overcome their challenges;
  • Benefit from an open and solution-oriented work culture;
  • Feel empowered: take ownership and drive exciting results in your scope of action.

More about us

We value people from different backgrounds. Could this be your story?
  • Дипломирани инжењер
  • Инжењер Магистар
  • -
  • Пуно радно време
  • Са радним местом

Кандидуј се

E-mail: office@bg.abb.com

Види све


  • Солтех ДОО

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  • Телетек Електроникс АД

    Телетек Електроникс АД, део Телетек Холдинг Групе, је једна од највећих произвођача сигнално-безбедносних система и противпожарне опреме на Балкану. Предузеће је основано 1991. године и од тада се успоставља као лидер на међународном тржишту. У овом тренутку, компанија запошљава више од 130 запослених у производном погону, а производ се извози у 75 земаља на 5 континената.

  • Вебер Етикетен Бугарска ДОО

    Вебер Етикетен Бугарска ДОО је водећа компанија специјализована за производњу и продају самолепљивих етикета углавном за обележавање и праћење производа. Компанија је основана као заједничка компанија Weber Marking Systems, члана групе Bluhm Weber Group, и фирме СИС 45 ЕООД.

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