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Понуда посла / Engineering Еxpert (Architecture of Тesters)

12/05/24 назад
Festo Production

Кандидуј се

  • Бугарска
  • Софија
Engineering Еxpert (Architecture of Тesters)
Your job:
  • Participates in the preparation and implementation of the strategy for development and improvement of test equipment and standards. Standardizes software and hardware modules for automated test systems;
  • Researches and implements new production processes and technologies in the field of test equipment. Introduces and proposes for optimization test procedures for new and existing products;  
  • Supports the development of the necessary test equipment, specifies its requirements, and optimizes the test procedures. Develops non-standard test equipment;
  • Participates in the process of development of new PDP products and supports the assigned tasks for the realization of test equipment;  
  • Introduces and standardizes concepts for testers and technical documentation according to the overall strategy in the direction; actively participates in the creation of a test architecture;
  • Enhances and contributes to the improvement of constructions in order to increase the efficiency of test equipment in the company;
  • Supports the creation and implementation of standards by Festo Test Equipment Technology;
  • Trains his colleagues from the group in his area of responsibility. Proposes a plan and strategy to expand the competencies of test engineers;
  • Supports the common projects between R&D and Testing.

Technical Competences and Requirements:
  • Master’s or bachelor’s Degree in the Engineering field (Electronics will be considered as an advantage);
  • Good command of English (at least level B2);
  • Excellent command of MS Office.

Professional Competences and Requirements:
  • Proven track of relevant experience on the same or similar position, minimum 8 years;
  • Professional experience in a similar industry will be considered as an advantage;
  • Technical management experience;
  • Proven track of practical experience with LabView and Test Stand;
  • Practical experience with CODESYS will be considered as an advantage.

Personal Competencies and Requirements:
  • Capable of making fast decisions and taking the responsibility for the results in dynamic and changing environment;
  • Oriented towards goals achieving and results;
  • Focused on the added value for the internal and/or external clients;
  • Team player, able to work in a multicultural working environment;
  • Thinking out of the box, creativity, and continuous improvement attitude;
  • Flexible, adaptable, open to meet the change and acquire new knowledge and skills.

You can expect the following with us:
  • Motivating compensation and social benefits package;
  • Opportunity to work on a variety of projects in the field of industrial automation, IIoT and robotics;
  • Professional development and learning opportunities in high technology and production environment.

In case your professional qualification corresponds to the above requirements and you wish to join our growing team, please send us your CV and a cover letter.

Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted. Your documents and personal data will be treated as confidential and will be protected according to Bulgarian Data Protection Legislation and the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR).
  • Дипломирани инжењер
  • Инжењер Магистар
  • Инжењер електронике
  • Пуно радно време
  • Са радним местом

Кандидуј се

E-mail: careersbgproduction@festo.com

Види све


  • Телетек Електроникс АД

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  • Грундфос Србија ДОО

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  • Рајкос Тех ДОО

    Рајкос Тех ДОО је већ потврђена компанија, која нуди компоненте и технолошка решења за индустријске аутоматизације западних произвођача, који су доказали висок квалитет својих производа. Тржиште Србије компанија снабдева производима италијанске компаније ОРТЕА и немачке компаније – Rechner Sensors.

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