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Понуда посла / Supplier Quality Engineer

12/06/24 назад
Ewellix Bulgaria

Кандидуј се

  • Бугарска
  • Софија
Supplier Quality Engineer
Ewellix is a global innovator and manufacturer of linear motion and actuation solutions used in assembly automation, medical applications, and mobile machinery. Ewellix has 16 sales units and 6 factories. External net sales are approximately 250 EUR million and we employ around 1250 people. Ewellix is headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden, and is owned by the Schaeffler Group.

We are currently looking for a       

Supplier Quality Engineer, Sofia

What you will do:

  • You will contribute to the company’s overall goals and strategy by delivering on following main responsibilities:
  • Carries out supplier quality activities of supplied products and supplier quality issues in the plant within the order fulfillment process;
  • Support advanced quality planning with suppliers during product development process;
  • In series production, execute supplier evaluation, manage supplier process changes and initiate and coordinate corrective actions, to sustainably ensure quality agreed;
  • Participate in the sampling inspection process, and decide acceptance or rejection of samples provided;
  • Coordinate series production claim management, and act as escalation instance to agree on remedial action plans until successful completion.

Who you are
To be successful in this role you need the following qualification:

  • Experience – 3 years minimum in manufacturing, preferably in Quality / Supplier Quality area;
  • Fluent in English with proven communication skills / German is an advantage;
  • Organizational skills – ability to prioritize tasks, manage workflow and work with multiple stakeholders;
  • Problem solving ability/attitude;
  • Communication skills - Attention to detail – managing multiple tasks shall not compromise on the attention to the details;
  • Computer literacy – MS Оffice, Power Point, ERP knowledge;
  • Ability to travel abroad, driving license is an advantage.

What you will like about working with us
We offer:

  • An attractive remuneration package;
  • A challenging and multifaceted position within an international work environment;
  • Personal development opportunities of a multinational group;
  • Social benefits such as:
      - Food and transport allowance,
      - Birthday/Christmas and Easter Bonus,
      - Sport card,
      - Referral bonus,
      - Loyalty award,
      - Relocation package.

Additional information

The position reports to Supplier quality assurance in Ewellix Bulgaria, Sofia.

If you are interested, please send your application with an extended CV in English to:

Human Resources department
Ewellix Bulgaria
Phone +359 883 253 705
  • Дипломирани инжењер
  • Инжењер Магистар
  • -
  • Пуно радно време
  • Са радним местом

Кандидуј се

E-mail: Kristina.todorova@ewellix.com

Види све


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