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Понуда посла / Junior Project Manager (Engineering)

08/14/24 назад
AQ Electric

Кандидуј се

  • Бугарска
  • Радомир
Junior Project Manager (Engineering)
AQ ELECTRIC JSC is a subsidiary of AQ GROUP AB /SWEDEN/, a global manufacturer of components and systems for industrial customers with high demands. The experience and knowledge gained from working at AQ GROUP AB, gave us the confidence to design and produce electric cabinets and components, to assemble products and offer cost effective solutions for demanding industrial customers. In our world, quality, efficiency and accuracy go hand in hand.

We are currently seeking a Junior Project Manager (Engineering) for our engineering team, who will contribute to the success our company and will have the opportunity to work with global industry leaders.

Opportunities for development:

  • Excellent opportunity for someone from an Engineering background looking to get into a Project Manager role with a company who can offer unrivaled training and progression opportunities;
  • This is a brilliant opportunity to join a market leading manufacturer where you will be offered plenty of training, varied work, and the opportunity to progress where you to become a technical expert;
  • On offer is a technically challenging position, where you will receive full training on Project Management, where you will be working on a variety of small and large-scale projects;
  • In this role you will be fully trained, then responsible for managing a wide variety of projects from concept to completion, alongside working closely with customers;
  • The role will therefore suit a high qualified person who has the ability to read engineering/fabrication drawings, someone who has good communication skills, and someone who has a working knowledge of Project Management.

The successfully appointed Junior Project Manager will have the following skills and abilities:

  • Degree in Electrical/Mechanical Engineer or equivalent;
  • Good English- verbal and written;
  • Can read engineering/fabrication drawings;
  • Has some knowledge of project management.

The Package:

  • 25 days holiday;
  • Incentive salary;
  • Working hours: 07.30am-4.10pm Monday to Friday;
  • Fantastic working environment. Friendly team and excellent management;
  • Additional health insurance. Life insurance. Vocational training. Food vouchers;
  • Fuel costs are borne by the company
  • Дипломирани инжењер
  • Инжењер Магистар
  • Електротехничар
  • Машински инжењер
  • Пуно радно време
  • Са радним местом

Кандидуј се

E-mail: careers.aqelectric@aqgroup.com

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  • Хидролиа АД

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  • Intergrated Micro-Electronics DOO Bulgaria

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