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Понуда посла / Sales Agent of Concrete Mixtures

01/17/25 назад
Zlatna Panega Tsiment AD

Кандидуј се

  • Бугарска
  • Пловдива
Sales Agent of Concrete Mixtures
TITAN Group, one of the key international cement producers, serves customers on over 25 markets. It has built a network of 14 cement plants, 70 quarries, 127 concrete centers in 10 countries on 4 geographic regions plants and employs 5,400 people. Founded in Greece in 1902, TITAN is a multi-regional, vertically integrated cement producer combining entrepreneurial spirit and operational excellence with respect for people, society and the environment.

Zlatna Panega Cement AD, a subsidiary of TITAN Group and a leading producer of building materials in Bulgaria, is currently searching for a highly motivated professional to join our team in Ready-mix operations and fulfill the role of

Sales Agent of Concrete mixtures


  • Proactively manages customer programs. Plans, prepares and anticipates customer needs;
  • Develops and recommends short-term and long-term sales plans for assigned territory to meet regional goals;
  • Provides supervisor with forecast and budget recommendations for territory and other reporting as requested;
  • Builds and maintains strong, collaborative relationships with present and prospective customers;
  • Follows up and analyzes the market trends; reaching out for new sales opportunities;
  • Promotes and offers the appropriate concrete products and services according to the customers’ needs;
  • Coordinates the deliveries and monitors the payments;
  • Gathers and processes customers’ feedback in order to improve the provided services;
  • Deals with customer complaints and ensure the issues are resolved in a timely and effective manner.


  • University Degree, Economics and Civil Engineering will be considered an advantage;
  • Relevant experience as a Sales Representative;
  • Proven record of achieving sales targets and building relationships with customers;
  • Readiness for traveling within the area (Plovdiv);
  • Good command of business English;
  • Proficiency in MS Office.


  • Technical Knowledge of Concrete or Cement;
  • Knowledge of building materials market;
  • Previous experience in industrial environment;
  • Experience with SAP or other ERP system.

Personal skills:

  • Pro-active and goal-orientated approach;
  • Ability to build and maintain long-term relationships with customers;
  • Strong communication and negotiation skills;
  • Strongly developed time-management and organizational skills;
  • Business acumen;
  • A loyal team player who can handle confidential information.

We offer:

  • Competitive remuneration package depending on skills and experience;
  • Chance to develop and learn in a dynamic and challenging environment;
  • To be part of an international company with opportunity for professional growth.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please send us your CV.
Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview.
All your data will be treated with confidentiality.
  • Високо образовање
  • -
  • Пуно радно време

Кандидуј се


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