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Нуди работа / SAP Support Specialist

02/04/25 назад
Теси ДОО


  • Бугарија
  • Софија
SAP Support Specialist
We believe warmth is a key of life, thus TESY has focused its desire, drive, and innovation to offer the best heating and water heating appliances.     
For more than 30 years TESY has been one of the most innovative and leading companies in the production of electric water heaters and electrical heating appliances in Europe. TESY has presence in over 65 countries, 4 continents and it has more than 900 dedicated and motivated employees around the world.
Our success throughout the years has been driven by our international team of young, intelligent, and ambitious professionals, who make the dreams come true, putting their hearts and minds into everything we do.
We are committed to fostering an environment where our people can thrive and realise their full potential. Join us today on the position of a Specialist SAP Business Processes

Specialist SAP Business Processes

Position Profile:

  • Provide application support for users in SAP ECC 6.0 environment;
  • Analyze and deliver resolutions of application issues;
  • Design and create technical specifications for change requests, based on defined business requirements;
  • Design, configure, test and implement solutions, based on standard SAP customizing;
  • Design, test and implement solutions, based on additional development and support, in cooperation with external support suppliers;
  • Create and update technical documentation (user guides, instructions);

Position Requirements:

  • 5+ years of experience as a functional SAP Consultant;
  • Advanced knowledge in at least one of the functionalities/ environment SD/ PP/ WM/ TMS/ MM/ ABAP;
  • Fluent communication in English;
  • Strong communication and presentation skills, ability to understand and integrate business requirements into SAP’s functionality;
  • Skills to thoroughly analyze, investigate and resolve application problems;
  • Readiness to travel on occasional basis;

Join the team of TESY and in return you will be provided with:

Social benefits:

  • Food vouchers;
  • Medical insurance;
  • Referral bonus;
  • Bonuses for personal celebrations.

Career development

  • Good renumeration and bonus system;
  • Opportunities for trainings and courses;
  • An environment that encourages and supports people who are looking for professional development.

Work-life balance:

  • Modern work environment;
  • Flexible working time;
  • Team-building activities.

Modern corporate culture

  • Permanent job in a company with high standards of work and good relationships between teams;
  • An environment that encourages continuous improvement of each process;
  • Management that focuses on sustainable development models.

Аpply for a new fresh position. If you are inspired by the opportunity to join us and believe that the position fits your professional development, please send us your CV.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

All applications will be treated with strict confidentiality.
  • Дипломиран економист
  • Дипломиран инженер
  • Економист-магистер
  • Инженер-магистер
  • -
  • Полно работно време
  • Со работно место



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  • Булгартел Скопје ДООЕЛ

    Булгартел Скопје е подружница на телекомуникацискиот оператор Булгартел, поседува сопствена мрежа за обезбедување на телекомуникациски услуги на територијата на Бугарија, Балканскиот полуостров и Европа. Булгартел Скопје обезбедува телекомуникациски услуги на територијата на Република Македонија и соседните земји, вклучувајќи ги Косово, Албанија и други.

  • Либхер-Хаусгерете Марица ДООЕЛ

    Либхер-Хаусгерете Марица ДООЕЛ е дел од меѓународниот концерн Liebherr. Фирмата му припаѓа на насокатаза бела техника, што е лидер во секторот. Од своето основање во 2000 година Либхер-Хаусгерете Марица ДООЕЛ инвестира над 220 000 000 лева во своите производствени и логистички површини, во континуирана модернизација и проширување, во развој и зголемување на квалификациите на персоналот.

  • Мегер Бугарија ДООЕЛ

    Мегер Бугарија ДООЕЛ е подружница на светски докажаниот производител на контролн – мерни инструменти во областа на енергетиката, телекомуникациите и секторот на водовод и канализација – Megger Group. Компанијата е наследник на Себа КМТ Бугарија откако компанијата и се приклучи на групацијата Megger.

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