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Нуди работа / Procurement Operations Team Lead

10/31/24 назад
Reichle & De-Massari Bulgaria Production


  • Бугарија
  • Софија
Procurement Operations Team Lead
Reichle & De-Massari Bulgaria Production is a Swiss company, part of the international Reichle Group, operating in more than 40 countries. R&M is one of the leaders in the production and distribution of copper and fiber components and cables for high quality communication networks (xPON, LAN, MAN, WAN).  

The company was founded in 1964 and is entirely family owned. We are in the top 3 companies in the sector in Europe and the Middle East. Our products are used by network operators, office buildings and public networks.

The production unit in Bulgaria exists since 2012. Today our team has over 400 employees and continue to grow. The company offers a variety of optical components, connections, products and innovative solutions. Thanks to the local team of highly specialized designers, constructors, engineers, project managers and operators in production, we guarantee uncompromising quality of our products, traditional Swiss precision and perfect design.

Except in Bulgaria and Switzerland, there are production plants also in Poland, Czech Republic, United States, Brazil, India, Dubai and China.

In Bulgaria, R&M is also represented by the „R&M Bulgaria“, the Sales organization. For more than 17 years, „R&M Bulgaria“  has been offering R&M products on the Bulgarian market and today operates in 12 countries in Southeastern Europe, providing an individual approach to complete customer solutions.

We are ambitious and continue to grow.

We are looking to hire motivated professional for the position of


The purpose of the position is to ensure consistent, timely and cost effective supply of material to the production; monitoring coordination and optimization of material supply processes.

Main responsibilities:
• Plan and coordinate purchases of raw materials, products, services and equipment for on-time delivery;
• Oversee the execution of purchase orders in the procurement operations team;
• Review, validate and approve purchase orders;
• Ensure the procurement operations process is diligently executed in line with the company policy;
• Propose process optimizations in view of best practices and industry standards;
• Monitor supplier performance in terms of prices, delivery capacity and quality;
• Support customs import of materials;
• Evaluate procurement opportunities and identify potential cost savings;
• Communicate proactively with suppliers, transporters and authorities throughout the purchase process to ensure on-time delivery; 
• Mentor and consult operational buyers as needed;
• Manage escalations.

• University background in Supply Chain, Economics, Business Administration or Engineering;
• Professional background in procurement operations in production company (3+ years);
• Experience in material management and import activities;
• Proficiency in MS Office and SAP ERP system;
• Excellent command of English language;
• Excellent interpersonal and time management skills.

Being part of our team, you will have the unique opportunity to:
• Work in a leading international company managed in accordance with contemporary practices;
• Be a part of a dynamic and challenging multinational environment that allows creative freedom and implementation of fresh ideas;
• Have an access to a unique know-how;
• Excellent remuneration package and additional incentives;
• Additional health insurance.

If you want to become part of a world class international company, enjoy a challenge and seek an excellent professional opportunity then please apply by sending your recent CV in English. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview in English.

Please be advised all applications will be treated with the strictest confidentiality and according to GDPR and local regulations.
  • Високо
  • Дипломиран инженер
  • Инженер-магистер
  • -
  • Полно работно време
  • Со работно место


E-mail: recruitment_bg@rdm.com

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  • Теси ДОО

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  • Метал Технолоџи Групација АД

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