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Нуди работа / Senior Windows System Administrator

09/13/24 назад
HRS Bulgaria


  • Бугарија
  • Софија
Senior Windows System Administrator
At HRS Bulgaria, we believe the right job can transform a person's life and the right person can transform a business. We're passionate about connecting our candidates with the right job for them.

You are not an exception!

Our client is a cutting-edge company that provides its customers top-notch products, solutions, and services in information technology. They have effectively grown their business driven by the philosophy that the future belongs to innovation, creative thinking, and collective spirit.

For their team, we are looking for a: Senior Windows System Administrator 

Who can grab this opportunity?

The one who is ready to take on the responsibility for the regular checks and inspections of server systems and associated infrastructures, modification, testing, and problem resolution of Operating Systems, Servers, System Software, and other Hardware/Software. An individual who has combinability in challenging situations, thanks to which he can skillfully juggle tasks set within a specific deadline.

The main responsibilities would include:

  • Installing, configuring, updating, and maintaining Windows Server operating systems;
  • Managing the organization's Microsoft 365 environment;
  • Troubleshooting and resolving software and hardware issues encountered by clients;
  • Configuring and managing network routers, switches, and other network devices;
  • Accurately logging the support provided and time taken in the service desk software;
  • Providing advice and training for colleagues & clients; 
  • Interacting with other team members and management to make informed decisions.

The company offers:

  • Opportunity for financial stability and long-term professional development;
  • Standard working hours; 
  • Additional health insurance;
  • 200 BGN food vouchers;
  • Birthday & Christmas Bonuses; 
  • Office at a convenient location;
  • Certification courses to improve your skills;
  • A close-knit team of young, positive, friendly professionals with recognized expertise.

Candidate should have:

  • University degree in Computer Systems and Technologies or related;
  • 3+ years of progressive work experience in a similar IT role;
  • Strong operational understanding of Windows Infrastructure Support Skills and Windows Server 2016, 2019, and 2022 administration;
  • Proficiency with MS Office 365 administration and configuration; 
  • Excellent working knowledge of Windows Desktop operating systems; 
  • Good understanding of WAN and LAN communications;
  • Еxperience with VMware and Microsoft virtualization;
  • Expertise in debugging software and hardware problems;
  • Fluency in English;
  • Excellent communication and collaboration skills.
Apply and you will get the full broad information about your possibilities with HRS Bulgaria!

All applications will be treated strictly confidential.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

HRS Recruitment Services Bulgaria holds a license from the National Employment Agency with №2525 from 26.04.2018 г.
  • Високо
  • ИТ специјалист
  • Полно работно време
  • Со работно место


E-mail: info@hrs-bg.com

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